When it comes to yard care, springtime is the busiest; from lawn services such as aerating, fertilizer, and grub prevention, to tree services like fertilizing, pruning and spraying, etc. Having all of those services so close together can break the family budget. We at Moore Green understand that and we don’t want you to have to sacrifice protecting a part of your yard to protect the family income. For this purpose, we allow our customers to setup no-interest, equal monthly pay plans, also known as an installment plan.
[Read more…] about Moore Green offers Equal Monthly Payment Plans to Help Your BudgetMoore Green News
The JOY of Gardening
After not having a garden for six years, I am at it once again. I absolutely love it! Though I’ve gone through the horticulture program at Utah State University, my garden is not perfect. Even if I could spend all of my time in the garden, it still wouldn’t be perfect.
[Read more…] about The JOY of GardeningWith Early Shut-Off of Secondary Water, What Happens to our Lawn Treatments?
We understand your concern. Please know that Moore Green is prepared to help your lawn survive. The good news is that Fall temperatures are good for lawns. Cooler temperatures eliminate stress on turf and, at night, can produce dew to help with moisture.
[Read more…] about With Early Shut-Off of Secondary Water, What Happens to our Lawn Treatments?2021 A Tough Year for Lawns
Wow! This year has been one of the most difficult years to keep a beautiful, green lawn. In fact, if a homeowner had a perfect looking lawn during this summer, they’d wonder if they were doing something wrong. In my 39 years of working in lawn care, I have NEVER experienced this before. You may wonder what has changed; are we using different products? Are the fertilizer rates the same? I can assure you that we continue to use the same products and rates that have given us success in years past.
What has changed?
I don’t necessarily like to point fingers, but Mother Nature has given us a windy, dry, and hot year. The grasses that make up our lawns in Northern Utah are considered “cool-season-grasses”. When we think of temperatures, we automatically think of the high, mid-day temperatures; however, when it comes to cool season grasses, it’s the night-time lows that are the culprit. When we experience night time temperatures above 80 degrees, our grasses don’t get to cool off, which they need. Imagine how well you’d perform day after day when your air conditioner goes out and you can’t cool down inside your home. It’s not pretty. We would want to take a cold shower or jump in a pool to cool ourselves off.
With recent water restrictions, our lawns can’t even get that! It doesn’t take long to see where our sprinkler systems’ inefficiencies are. Whether it’s low pressure, clogged nozzles, or not watering long enough to get water into the root zone, our lawns quickly go into dormancy to protect themselves.

It’s All About the Water

Moore Green’s Water-Less Treatment has been around for years; however, this year it may be the key to plant survival. “This product was originally used to keep the dust down on dirt roads in the Australian Outback because it attracted water,” explains Blake Moore, owner of Moore Green. “When it was used in a landscape situation,” he continues, “the water savings were an average of 30%.” With the possibility of water restrictions, Moore Green sees this as a tool to maintain healthy lawns.
Soil Wetting Agents vs. Water-Less Treatment. What’s the difference?
Soil wetting agents are products that help water move into the soil and is included in all our lawn care programs. The Water-Less Treatment product makes “unavailable-water” available; it’s humectant and hygroscopic compounds act like a water magnet.
MOORE GREEN is giving a FREE Water Gauge to customers!
Measuring sprinkler output is the key to saving water. Water gauges will be given with a lawn service.