After years of consideration, Moore Green has entered the overseeding business! “I searched for years for a machine to rent or at least demo, but nothing was available. I finally travelled to Colorado to visit a company who does this service so I could see it in action and learn all about it. There is a need for overseeding so I bit the bullet and invested in the equipment so we can provide it to our customers,” says Blake Moore, owner of Moore Green.
What is overseeding? Instead of completely tearing out your existing turf, an overseeder slices through the lawn to the soil and stirs in grass seed. The existing grass protects the new seed.
When you should consider overseeding your lawn:
- Your lawn is thinning out – Some of our lawns were planted decades ago. Because of mowing, we don’t allow the grass to go to seed, giving space to younger grass plants. Your lawn could benefit from incorporating newer seed varieties.
- Your turf growing conditions have changed – What was once sunny is now shady, or vice-versa. Seeding with varieties that better fit the growing conditions can make for a beautiful lawn.
- Your lawn is diseased – Sometimes the best long-term fix for a diseased lawn is overseeding with varieties that are resistant to that disease, instead of frequent applications of fungicides.
When is the best time to overseed? Mid-August through September is the ideal time. Secondary water is still on, temperatures generally aren’t too hot, and there is less weed pressure.
How long does it take before I see results? It depends on the type of grass used, it can take two to six weeks.
What do I before and after overseeding?
- Turn off the sprinklers at least a day before we come. The machine cuts better when it’s dry.
- Mow the lawn as short as you can to allow the blades to reach the soil.
- Keep the seed moist. Short, daily watering until the grass can be mowed.